Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Runway Markings

Here it is. The newly painted runway 32/14.

Friday, November 14, 2008

To all Lake California Aero club members,

Saturday weather is suppose to be great. Come out and try our new runways!!! Runway 14’s exciting departure takes you out over a great water expanse and

Runway 32”s offer majestic views of Mount Shasta upon leaving the ground. How exciting!!! The departure time will be 9:30 and the destination is Trinity Center O86.

Breakfast will be served at the Yellow Jacket Restaurant. Please email me if your are going so I can call for reservations.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

TFRs Galore

Don't plan on flying anywhere this afternoon. We have TFR's all over, and the President is coming to town.

Friday, June 20, 2008

To all Aero club members.

The Saturday, June 21, mission will be to Klamath Falls Air Show. The field will be closed from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.. We are planning to depart at 8:00 A.M.. The Thunderbirds and other various military and private acts are scheduled. Bring your lawn chairs and sun serene. It is suppose to be 82 degrees up there. For additional information log on to - 8k

Good Flying


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

To all Aero club members.

There are two local activities coming up the next couple of weeks that should be interesting to attend. June 6-8 is the Golden West (EAA WEST Coast Regional) Fly-In in Marysville, and the Fathers Day Fly-in (breakfast) on June 15 at Benton, Redding. I have a commitment this Saturday at the Rocket Fly-In in Bakersfield so we are heading down to Marysville on Friday, Time has not been decided yet, I am trying to find out if there is any Breakfast being served, I will let you know of the time later in the week.

Maybe we can all fly out next Sunday to Benton for breakfast.

Good Flying


Golden West Fly-In

When most people think airshows, they think of of small airplanes, aerobatics and military aircraft. This year's Golden West Regional Fly-in and Airshow will feature something completely different, a piece of living commercial flight history. Visitors will get to see and hear a vintage '50's Douglas DC-6A Cloudmaster, widely regarded as the best piston engine airliner ever built. "The Six," as it's referred to by its owners, was built in Santa Monica, California in 1958. It also just happens that she will turn 50 years old on the last day of the Golden West Regional Fly-in which runs from June 6 8 at Yuba County Airport (MYV), open 8:00 AM 5:00 PM (0800 1700) all three days.

"The golden age of air travel will come alive for visitors of all ages, when they experience the sight and sound of this iconic 1950s airliner," said John Gibson, Golden West Aviation Association president. "The Six will perform a flight demonstration each day of the fly-in, and will be on static display between performances,"

Based in the UK, The Six spent the first years of its career carrying tourists to exotic locations around the world. It also shuttled rockets from the UK to Australia in support of Britain's space program. She was then based in the Middle East before relocating to the UK in 1987, carrying freight until 2004.

Withdrawn from cargo-hauling duty, The Six played a cameo role in the James Bond film Casino Royale and also drew accolades on the airshow circuit.

"This isn't a pristine museum-quality restoration," said Julian Firth, Captain, G- APSA, Air Atlantique Classic Flight, the organization that keeps The Six in the air. "We aim for authenticity, and today The Six is a genuine, hardworking propliner that has changed little since her last commercial flight."

The Six cruises at 240 mph, with a top speed of 350 mph. She can takeoff and land on a runway as short as 1,200 m and is powered by four Pratt & Whitney R2800 CB3 Double Wasp radial 18-cylinder engines, each producing 2,500 bhp. Additional details about the airliner and the organization are available at .

The Golden West Regional Fly-in will feature an airshow, forums and workshops. The Golden West Aero MallTM will have exhibits by manufacturers of the latest aircraft, avionics and pilot supplies. The Kid QwestTM hangar will provide hands-on aviation related activities for children of all ages.

Fathers Day Fly-IN

Redding EAA Chapter 157 will be putting on "Aviation Day 2008" on Sunday, June 15, 2008, Fathers Day, at Benton Field (O85) in Redding, CA, from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. Admission is free. Ham, eggs and pancake breakfast will be served from 7:00 am to 11:00 am. $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12. There will be airplane rides and helicopter rides available and lots of homebuilt and vintage aircraft on display.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fly-in Sat May 17th

We are having a fly in Saturday May 17th from 10am-2pm.

Aircraft parking at turnaround and on taxiway at the Northeast end of the Runway-- resident pilots will be available to assist you with parking. 

For additional information please call: 
559-250-1425 or 530-347-6712 or
Email (

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sat. March 15, fly out

To all Aero club members.

On Saturday, March 15,tI will be out of town so you are on your own. Hope you have great weather you are on your own.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

To all Aero club members.

The Saturday, March 8th., mission we will be flying to the Trinity Center, weather permitting. Departure time is 9:30 A.M.. Breakfast will be at Yellow Jacket Restaurent. Please let me know by Friday afternoon if you are planning to attend so I can call the Restaurant for reservations.

Trinity Center O86 Elevation 2390' Pat3190' 14-32rw hdg. 122.9 CTAF

If you have an extra seat please give me a call at 347-6712 so another club member can enjoy the flight.

Good Flying


Friday, February 15, 2008

To all Aero club members.

The Saturday, Feb. 16, mission we will be flying to the Shelter Cove for Lunch, weather permitting- alternate Hay Fork. Departure time is 10:30 A.M...

If you have an extra seat please give me a call at 347-6712 so another club member can enjoy the flight.

Good Flying


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Saturday 19th Jan Flyout


For those of you ready to fly on Saturday, lets meet at the tie down/parking area at 10am to consider the weather and decide where to go, since the weather is going to be hard to predict.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Saturday Jan. 12 Fly Out Hay Fork

Update: Gene & I looked at the weather and decided to stay on the ground!  ..lance

To all Aero club members.

The Saturday, Jan. 12, mission we will be flying to the Hay Fork, weather permitting - alternate Red Bluff. Departure time is 9:30 A.M.. Breakfast will be at Irene’s. Please let me know if you are planning to attend so I can call the Restaurant for reservations.

If you are interested in going or have an extra seat please give me a call at 347-6712.

Good Flying
